Увод у Сваппинг у ПХП-у

У овом чланку ћемо научити замену бројева у ПХП-у. Научит ћемо како дефинирамо замјену, научит ћемо како кодирати да замијенимо два броја, како замијенити више од два броја и три броја и како замијенити бројеве са или без привремених варијабли и више.

Почнимо прво с дефиницијом.

„Замјена у ПХП-у је термин дефинисан као размјена вриједности.“

Замјена два броја поступак је размјене двије вриједности помоћу или без кориштења привремене варијабле. Надам се да су ови примери корисни свим програмерима који желе да науче концепт замене.

Како заменити два броја у ПХП-у?

Постоје два начина за замену бројева. Ови бројеви садрже нумеричке вредности.

  • Мењање два броја привременом променљивом.
  • Замјена два броја без привремене варијабле.

Претпоставимо да имамо једну променљиву која држи вредност 10,

нумбер1 = 10;

А друга варијабла која има вредност 20,

број2 = 20;

Када се ова два броја замене, резултат би требало да буде,

број1 = 20

број2 = 10

То је могуће уз употребу треће привремене променљиве и такође. Замјена два броја може се обавити помоћу оператора +, -, *, /.

1. Замена два броја привременом променљивом


// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;

Излаз :

2. Замјена два броја без привремене варијабле


// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;


3. Замјена два броја помоћу функције попут листе () с низом ()


// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;


Како заменити три броја у ПХП-у?

Постоје два начина за замену бројева. Ови бројеви садрже нумеричке вредности.

  • Мењање три броја привременом променљивом.
  • Замјена три броја без привремене варијабле.

1. Замјена три броја помоћу привремене варијабле

Сада када смо научили замену два броја, на сличан начин сада учимо замену три броја. Следећи пример показује како се привремена (темп) променљива користи за промену три броја.


// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;


2. Замјена три броја без кориштења привремене варијабле

Овдје је логика израчунати укупну суму и додијелити је варијабли $ нум1.

И онда,

израчунати вредност $ нум1, доделити ту вредност $ нум2,

израчунати вредност $ нум2, доделити ту вредност $ нум3,

израчунати вредност $ нум3 и поново доделити ту вредност $ нум1.


// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;



Надам се да је овај чланак користан свим програмерима који желе да науче замену бројева. Овај чланак садржи и замењивања два и три броја одговарајућим примерима. Ови примери, ако се практикују, помоћи ће вам да научите концепт и такође вам запамте логику.

Препоручени чланци

Ово је водич за Сваппинг у ПХП-у. Овде смо расправљали о томе како заменити два или три броја са или без употребе привремених променљивих заједно са његовим примерима. Такође можете погледати следеће чланке да бисте сазнали више -

  1. Сесије у ПХП-у
  2. Обрасци у ПХП-у
  3. Цоокие у ПХП-у
  4. Преоптерећење у ПХП-у
  5. Преоптерећење у Јави
  6. Питхон Оверлоадинг
